Unwanted sexual acts, violence in the house, assault at the workplace, and whatnot. Sexual Violence rises every single second. Here are some different types of sexual violence you might want to know - Sexual Harassment - which can be unwelcome verbal and physical sexual attention. One should feel comfortable in all the places whether it is your workplace or school. You can also report harassment to the authorities at your job, school, or local law enforcement. Stalking - is unwanted or repeated surveillance by an individual or group toward another person. Keep yourself aware of stalking behaviors to help you prevent them and take steps to protect yourself. Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse - once happened in childhood, it stays long with them. Many perpetrators of sexual abuse are in a position of trust or responsible for the child’s care, such as a family member, teacher, clergy member, or coach. Using Technology to Hurt Others - cybercrime is on the top of the l...